
Spring equinox meaning culture
Spring equinox meaning culture

spring equinox meaning culture

To participate in a beautiful healing meditation invoking Archangel Raphael, see our article Spring Equinox: The Archangel Raphael Meditation. Raphael is depicted with a caduceus in his hand to signify his role as healer. Raphael is the great Angelic healer, who imparted to humanity the wisdom of healing herbs and flowers.

spring equinox meaning culture

Raphael orchestrates the work of the elementals, devas and assorted nature spirits who help to vitalize and optimize the energetic and material structures of Earth's vegetation, from seed to fruition. Archangel Raphael presides over the season of Spring. On or around March 20 each year, the Sun appears to an observer on Earth to cross the Equator, night and day are approximately equal in length, and the season of Spring begins in the Northern Hemisphere.

spring equinox meaning culture

There are four pivotal days each year marking the beginning of the four seasons, all related to the movement of the Sun as observed from Earth, the spring and fall equinoxes and the summer and winter solstices. Western astrology is a system based upon observation of the passage of the Sun across the circle of the starry Zodiac from season to season throughout the year. In the West, the Spring Equinox has a special significance for astrologers and spiritual practitioners alike. As we shall discover, the roots of this celebration extend deep into humanity's history, originating in practices that predate written records. Wisdom teachings of both Eastern and Western traditions celebrate this auspicious festival. The equinoxes are the twice yearly days when day and night are approximately equal in duration, symbolic of the balance between male and female energies in nature. We are now entering the zone of the first great Seasonal Festival of 2022 – The Spring Equinox, celebrated on March 20 this year, when the Sun leaves watery Pisces and enters the sign of Aries the Ram. Worldwide Spring Equinox Feasts and Festivals

Spring equinox meaning culture